A cluster of leading companies and public institutions in Norway have joined forces to be able to offer products, services equipment, knowledge and experience to international tunneling and mining.
The network encourages and coordinates commercial export of Norwegian Tunneling Technology to the international markets.
The network also communicates knowledge and opportunities from the international tunneling industry back to the Norwegian industry.
Please contact us and we will assist you in your search for sustainable, proven cost-effective solutions for your underground projects with a focus on the operational perspective and life cycle costs.
"High Performance Tunnelling achieved by Innovation, Development, Knowledge and Technology"
Best Regards,
Arild. P. Sovik, Network Director
T: +47 95088793

The network is managed by a board of 4 members and two alternates. The Network Director coordinates and manages market activities and conveys requests from the international market back to the appropriate partners, as well as facilitating direct contact.

Aida Tusha
Senior Grouting Advisor at LNS.
LNS is a construction contractor, a mining contractor and a mining owner and combine the best of both, the construction industry and the mining industry in their projects.
To ensure efficient and profitable operation, LNS have to be at the forefront of the latest technology and the smartest solutions.

Thorvald Wetlesen jr.
Board Member
General manager of Bever Control AS.
A company which specializes in computerized control and monitoring systems for drilling rigs in mining and tunnel operations. In this area, the company has an internationally leading position.
Bever Control's pioneering efforts in tunnel operation and the use of robot technology have created the product and technology basis for the company.

Frank Finseth
Board Member
Operation Manager in Device AS.
Responsibility for all DCD operations, survey services and sales/support in the Nordic market. He has been a part of the team since 2007. Frank holds a certificate in precision mechanics from NTNU in Trondheim and also has experience from the oil & gas service-industry.

Ingrid Elisabeth Fjelberg
Board Member
Market manager & senior geologist Bypass AS.
Many years of experience with geosciences and geohydrology in both Norway and international tunnelling projects. Cand. Scient in geology from the university of Bergen.

Erik Andre Karlsen
Alternate Board Member
Sales Manager and board member in Pretec AS and Pretec Group AS.

Ola Kvammen
Alternate Board Member
CEO - board member - construction engineering consultant
Experience from both private and public industry, including 10 years of international project experience (tunnel and underground structures).