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Market Visit Norway - Planning and constructing long subsea tunnels

man. 19. mai



In March 2023, Norwegian experts visited a local project south of Puerto Montt. We started a discussion with the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and other stakeholders regarding future developments of Route 7, the Carretal Austral.

Market Visit Norway - Planning and constructing long subsea tunnels
Market Visit Norway - Planning and constructing long subsea tunnels

Tid og sted

19. mai 2025, 10:00 – 23. mai 2025, 15:00

Ålesund, Ålesund, 6292, Norge


Om arrangementet

These meetings started with discussions on using subsea tunnels on Route 7 (the Carretera Austral), which now involves cooperation with the client (project level) and a dialog with MOP and infrastructure policymakers in Chile.  

In May 2025 (TBD), we aim to host a visit to Norway, where we invite the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and infrastructure policymakers in Chile. This will be done in cooperation with the road authorities and the Ministry of Transport in Norway. This visit aims to show by example how to plan and construct subsea tunnels and how the Norwegian infrastructure clients and the tunnel industry limit the project risks.

We will host a seminar to discuss the topics as part of the visit.

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