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27th & 28th of September - Tunnel Seminar in Santiago

Forfatterens bilde: Arild Petter SøvikArild Petter Søvik

In September 2022, we invite Norwegian stakeholders and suppliers to Santiago to meet clients and the entire Chilean tunnel industry, to discuss projects, methods, technology and latest experiences from Norway and Chile. Focusing on selected topics and bringing the discussions, already started, to the next step.

Illustration: Flyer - Norwegian Tunnelling Network Seminar in Santiago (Arild Petter Sovik, NTN)

The market introduction week in Santiago Chile, will also contain a seminar (27th - 28th September), and we will focus on low traffic road/rail tunnels and tunnels in mining, and learn more about methods, technology and latest experiences in Norway & Chile.

Please register by clicking the link.



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