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Norwegian Tunnelling Network presenting in Buenos Aires

Forfatterens bilde: Arild Petter SøvikArild Petter Søvik

Oppdatert: 27. okt. 2023

10th and 11th of October 2023, the Norwegian team of experts presented two presentations and met stakeholders, clients and future partners in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Argentine Association of Tunnels and Underground Spaces, AATES, together with ITA-AITES, invite us to participate in the 13th Tunneling and Underground Spaces Conference.

Photo: Arild Petter Sovik, Norwegian Tunnelling Network (Mario Morales from SINTEF presenting, Buenos Aires, 11th October 2023)

The topic was "Risk analysis in tunnel construction" and our speakers Mario Morales from SINTEF presented Risk management in tunnel construction in Norway, and André Araújo from the Emerald Geomodelling company presented “Reduction of geological risks in tunnels through the use of airborne geophysics and artificial intelligence techniques”

The activity was held iat the Techint Auditorium (Buenos Aires, Argentina), and available online for participators for all over Latin-America.

We had the opportunity to meet Norway’s Ambassador in Buenos Aires, to inform him about the Norwegian tunnel industry export initiative in Latin America, start a collaboration with the embassy and begin a learning process on how to do business in Argentina.


AATES is the Argentine chapter of the ITA (International Tunneling and underground space Association) ITA-AITES and acts before it as the sole representative entity of Argentina.


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