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Norwegian Tunnelling Society at the World Tunnelling Congress 2022

Forfatterens bilde: Arild Petter SøvikArild Petter Søvik

In September 2022, the Norwegian Tunnelling Society, including the Norwegian Tunnelling Network and their members where present at the World Tunnelling Congress 2022 in Copenhagen. Our members Protan, Pretec, Devico, Geofrost, AMV, LNS, Bever Control and Foamrox presented technologies on stand, supported by a team of experts from the Norwegian tunnelling society. A uniq collaboration between Norwegian companies and the tunnel society, supporting the individual company in international marketing.

Photo: Stand - Norwegian Tunnelling Society (Arild Petter Sovik, NTN)

Together with the industry, the Public Road Administration and Bane NOR had important contributions this year, presented projects and interesting topics for the entire international tunnelling industry.

The E16 Vossabanen, an unique concept for transverse tunnels between rail and road, to solve strict requirement for self rescue, is an example of projects presented on the congress this year. E39 Rogfast tunnel was also presented, a 27 km-long subsea road tunnel currently under construction in the west coast of Norway.

We experienced great interest in how Norway build large tunnel projects, and we have started dialogue with new stakeholders in new markets.

Next year, the congress will take place in Athens, Greece. In 2024 in Shenzhen (China) and decided today, Stockholm (Sweden) in 2025.



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