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Summary - Start Up workshop, HPO Chile

Forfatterens bilde: Arild Petter SøvikArild Petter Søvik

We thank our members and participants for their contribution to our first physical Norwegian Tunneling Network (NTN) meeting in 2021!

NTN in collaboration with Innovation Norway have started a High Potential Opportunities (HPO) Project, which is a new demand-driven export program, where the entire Norwegian support apparatus will assist Norwegian companies to win commercial contracts of more than NOK 500 million, and contribute to increase Norwegian exports and a long term cooperation with authorities, universities and commercial actors in Chile.

In September, we gathered members of NTN, Norwegian networks and other important stakeholders from the entire Norwegian support apparatus and discussed commercial exports of Norwegian tunnel technology to the Chilean market and how to start a long term cooperation with authorities, universities and commercial actors in Chile.

The participants was met by a warm welcome from the Ambassador of Chile, and we where pleased that the Deputy Chief of Mission, Andrés Nogueira, could join us both days. The Embassy of Chile invited Invest Chile, and we learned more about the current status and great opportunities in Chile, and the increase in new infrastructure projects in this high opportunity market.

Former NTN Director, Knut Garshol, told us more about recent activities in the NTN and draw the line into the HPO Chile initiative. The support from the Norwegian agencies might have been missing in the initiatives before, and he told us about the great advantages he see in the support from Team Norway and the collaboration with other networks in Norway.

Krishna Kanta Panthi from NTNU and Eivind Grov from SINTEF told us about how a cooperation between universities can be an important tool to facilitate sharing of knowledge and experience between nations. Through facilitation of studies, sharing of learning capacity, exchange of students and facilitating internships in projects, the HPO Chile project aim to facilitate an ecosystem for learning, and make great benefits for both the Norwegian and Chilean tunnelling industry.

Christian Mikkelsen from Sweco, an expert on digital project implementation, told us more about the Norwegian way of running projects, where the digital tools is used to ensure a high quality and cost-effective project management - from early planning, through the design process, in to the construction phase processes, but also to prepare future operation and maintenance of the infrastructure. An innovative technology that gives Norwegian suppliers great advantages in offering cost-effective services and products in complex infrastructure projects.

We also learned more about the agencies involved and how we can achieve our goals through a close collaboration between the Norwegian Tunnelling Network, Innovation Norway, Eksport Finance Norway, other Norwegian networks, companies, industry organizations, policy actors and the foreign services - These joint actions is well known as a Team Norway initiative.

Helen Roth from VIA Cluster and on behalf of ITS Norway, told us more about their activities and their goals in the International markets and they look forward to a fruitful cooperation with NTN in the HPO program, but also in other international initiatives.

Export Finance Norway (Eksfin) explained to us the great opportunities in the Norwegian agency's corporate financing, project financing and sovereign loans, and how financing can be a great tool for Norwegian suppliers to increase Norwegian exports by making strategic initiatives and investments in the International market. We discussed how these tools can be to our benefit and how to use export financing as an effective sales tool in the international infrastructure industry and how to use this in relevant procurements in Chile.

Innovation Norway told us more about how the agency can help networks and the individual businesses with their growth strategy and to connect internationally. Innovation Norway showed us their access to a support team, with a large portfolio of tools that include advisory services and programs for export and international investment. A great benefit to Norwegian businesses both nationally and when international investments opportunities emerge.

Hakon Lerum Ward and Pilar Santos Neves from Innovation Norway's office in Latin America, told us more about The Global Growth program and recent successes. An export program delivered by Innovation Norway to help Norwegian companies grow in international markets. Participation will increase speed and reduce risk when pursuing new, international business opportunities. Each program is tailor-made for a group of 8-10 companies that have products, services or technologies interesting for specific sectors or industries. The program give each business a unique opportunity to present and meet the relevant decision makers in the Chilean industry, but also prepare them for success in a well proven concept from Innovation Norway. In the meeting, the companies showed great interest in participating in the Global Growth program and it is important to register early to find a seat in this popular program.

Pilar Santos Neves from Innovation Norway introduced us to the market study. An important part of the HPO program is to create an overview of the market and provide the participants with an updated know how and insight information about future projects in Chile. In the meeting, we discussed relevant market information for the businesses involved.

Very soon, we will make available market information to the participating companies and each participant will receive information on how to connect to this information. Our team aim to update the information, when new market information is available. This to make sure we have necessary information in time to prepare us for future opportunities and procurements in Chile.

The Norwegian Ambassador in Chile gave us a warm welcome to the initiative and an insight in the importance of these initiatives for export and trade between nations. The Embassy will contribute in the project and give us important support in our activities in Chile.

We wish to thank you all for your interest so far and you will soon receive new information about the initiative and new meetings and events in 2021 and 2022. But for now, thank you and see you soon.

What is HPO?

High Potential Opportunities (HPO) is a new demand driven export program where Team Norway at large (public business support institutions, ministries, embassies, business clusters and business organizations) will assist Norwegian companies to win big international commercial contracts (above 500 mill NOK). Together with Team Norway, Innovation Norway has a central role in finding, validating, executing and coordinating public support and assistance.



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