What can we offer?
Collaboration with
the Norwegian Tunnelling Industry.
The Norwegian tunnelling industry has long tradition and experience in road and railway tunnel projects, as well as construction of hydropower tunnels and other underground infrastructures.
In road infrastructure alone, there are over 50 ongoing road tunnel projects at any given time, and three times the number of road tunnel projects in planning. With more than 90 road and rail tunnels longer than 4 km, and more than 40 sub-sea tunnels. And just opened the longest sub-sea tunnel in the world and follow up this by constructing an even longer 26.7 km doble tube sub-sea tunnel, 390 meter below sea level, takes Norway in the lead as a tunnel industry.
This high tunnel investment rate ensures a constant learning process that also gives experience with new requirements for cost-efficiency and new requirements for a more green and sustainable future. And not least an industry with services and products developed for the very purpose of a cost-effective tunnel production.
The Norwegian tunnelling community consist of authorities, clients, universities, research organizations, consultant agencies and contractors with long experience in tunnelling, and the constant need for suitable solutions has driven forward a supplier industry that delivers specialized products and services for almost all needs within tunnelling.
Tunnels have often more complex issues than other part of the infrastructure. When planning a new tunnel, there is a particular need to handle complexity and advanced technologies, and not least a financial risk in construction that can also affect the operational costs and future maintenance needs for the road network.
In construction of a tunnel there are challenges in understanding and dealing with ground conditions, choosing the right methods and technologies, in addition to handling contractual conditions, changes, conflicts and dealing with risk sharing between client and contractor.
Nations with long experience in construction of tunnels have established their own regulations and standards, which are primarily intended to ensure operationally acceptable solutions, which also take into account investment priorities to ensure the tunnel has the right cost level in relation to the entire road infrastructure. Regulations must, among other things, also deal with operational matters and treat special characteristics, separately. The Norwegian regulations are not an exception for such priorities, but also include mechanisms to handle special characteristics and operational matters.
* examples from projects, based on the relevant topic.
**Visit to projects, based on the relevant topic.
Academia & Learning
Cooperation between nations gives an opportunity to facilitate sharing of knowledge and experience between nations. Through facilitation of studies, sharing of learning capacity, exchange of students and internships in projects, a unique interaction for learning can be created. In our investment in the international markets, we wish to facilitate an ecosystem for learning, which benefits both the Norwegian and the international market.
In this ecosystem for learning, opportunities lay ahead to carry out joint research projects.
In collaboration between Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), SINTEF (world-leading research institute), the institutions have started the Gemini Centre, which aims to establish an MSc program and a national centre within tunnelling technology.
Such a collaboration is unique in a global context and will provide a broader and larger academic environment that strengthens both national and international initiatives and facilitates collaboration with universities in new markets. In this way promote Norwegian competitive advantages and bring learning back to the Norwegian industry.
Research & Development
Research driven industry development* **
Innovation and R&D projects for next generation tunnel technologies* **
Strategies and new requirements to develop the tunnelling industry*
Gemini Center Tunnel Technologies 2.0 Lab facilities, including VR tunnel facility* **
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)*
Recent research and reports*
Tunnel Management
Management and development of tunnels* **
Investments philosophies in a cost-effective infrastructure (low/high traffic and RAMS)* *
Regulations and standards in high/low traffic tunnels* **
Well proven processes and systems to follow up tunnel manager responsibilities*
Project Management
Norwegian Way of Working - Effective delegation of responsibility* **
Contract models and mechanisms for handling contract, changes, conflicts and risk sharing* **
Cost and time calculations in tunnel projects (and the reverse time approach)* **
Quality control and follow up* **
Planning for safety approvals and commissioning* **
Planning for contractor deliveries, SAT and UAT* **
Planning opening for operation (management, TCC and tunnel operations)* **
Surveys & Preparations
Alternative studies and consequence assessments* **
RAMS analysis & design for tunnels* **
Risk and emergency preparedness analysis* **
Safety design, ventilation strategies and modeling*
Clarify risks (ground conditions etc.), methods and technologies for tunnelling* **
Comparing tunnelling methods and advantages and disadvantages* **
Methods and technologies for clarifying ground conditions before/during tunnelling* **
Design & Engineering
​Tunnelling* **
Civil works* **
Electrotechnical facilities* *
Automation and SCADA systems* **
Complex tunnel systems and tunnels with special characteristics* **
Digital design (BIM) and digital twins* **
Self rescue assessments and modeling* **
Ventilation and CFD modeling* **
Safety systems strategies* **
The digital tunnel construction site (BIM/VR)* **
Implementation of new machine technologies, machine learning and AI* **
Digital model (as built) to management, operation and maintenance purposes* **
HES and experiences from incidents in the construction phase*
Tunnelling* **
Methods and technologies for handling difficult ground conditions* **
Civil Works and water and frost protection* *
Electrotechnical facilities* **
Automation and SCADA systems* **
Safety systems* **
Tunnel lighting and visibility* **
Ventilation* **
Operation & Maintenance
Tunnel management*
Tunnel operation and maintenance* **
Operation and maintenance contracts and procedures* **
Digitalization in operational phase (management, operation and maintenance)* **
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), TCC management and monitoring * **
Safety and emergency follow-up* **
Upgrades & Refurbishments
Strategies for upgrades and refurbishments*
Planning for upgrades and refurbishments* **
Digitalization/ documentation of existing tunnels* **
Upgrades and refurbishments in general* **
Transition from FM to Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB)* **
Tetra emergency communication in existing tunnels* **
Upgrades of equipment/systems to support new strategies for self rescue and safey* **

Let's Work Digital
Through collaboration with other industries, the tunnel industry in Norway has evolved to become a world leader in digitalization, and our suppliers have become competitive through their efficient use of new technologies and digital tools. From early planning, through the construction process and to handover to operation and maintenance, the digitalization of the tunnel industry is now a reality.
Norwegian suppliers use digital models (BIM), specially suited for tunnel projects, but also digital systems for carrying out work processes. Part of this is the use of digital cloud based systems for machine operations, witch ensures a fully digital implementation and documentation of complex work operations within drilling, blasting and securing of ground conditions, which also includes digital follow-up of all professions, where all take part in the digital "as built" model for the tunnel.